Friday, October 2, 2009

Now that's "good karma"!

Previously worn dresses are called "Good Karma" dresses at The Brides' Project. Right now we are seeking as many "Good Karma" dresses as we can get our hands on. Brides seek out TBP for these dresses. They are environmentally responsible, financially responsible, and with all the proceeds going to families touched by cancer, heck, they are socially responsible too. So if you have a dress tucked away and you are ready to part with it and have it make a difference in many lives, give us a call. You can also help by passing the word around. Mention it at work, social outings, church, the gym...anywhere...please help us get the word out so we can help as many kids with cancer as we can!

For more information, email or call 734-418-3332.
