Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lot's of new dresses....

Many thanks to the many brides from across the US that have reached out about donating their dresses. I have about 5 enroute from all over the country. I am thrilled at the constant interest in this 'little endeavour' and appreciate all those who contact us...whether to donate or to buy.

I also want to thank Diane from The Perfect Wedding Guide for promoting us and supporting us!!! If we can get enough donations, we have been ask to be the "headliner" at the Perfect Wedding Guides Fall show. This means we can sell our gowns there, which means we'll leave with lot's of $$$ to donate to kids and families touched by cancer. So spread the word...dig up those dresses...reach out to local bridal salons and tell them about us spread the word so we can make this event and make a difference in the lives of many!!!